Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Open for the real adventure

Pictures on walls and figures on shelves, beautiful sounds, a guitar well held, inspire to aspire a walk through the fire and phoenix the desire from the ashes to the flesh. A flash of light is then reversed into the darkness driven by a mass, a great thirst that wants to quench the universe but to burst again and lighten up the sky - why?

How would I know if only my eyes see while my heart watches...

I'm hiding out in a little motel in Jackson, TN and keep decompressing after an ever intoxicating week at the National Folk Alliance in Memphis. I never quite know why I'm exposing myself to such mixed feelings and ups and downs but to loosen my ego and let it slip away for a little time, leaving me open for the real adventure - not knowing - trusting with intend without running after things that always seem like bright orange carrots just a swing away.

After a few days of pecking away 12 hours on the keyboard I'm getting ready to face the world again and am looking forward to my show this Friday in Murphy, NC...

Jackson, TN 2/24/2010

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