But who would have thought that - the closer I get to Golden the better the weather gets, so I decide to do a little detour and drive into a nice Canyon.

It get’s time to turn around and go to Harmony Village, a Cohousing Community that invited me to perform tonight.

Wow is that beautiful! It is built in a Pueblo style with Adobe everywhere and lots of green!

I’m welcomed warmly and feel instantly that it will be a great evening. I spend some time with Dave Wann and feel that there is a kindred spirit! Dave and me were in contact about the concert and he’s a freelance author, event speaker and coauthor of the book “Affluenza, The All-Consuming Epidemic”.
After dinner we go to the common house and set up the chairs. 30 minutes before I start it is packed! Nice, exactly what I needed. I should have taken a pic right then because after the break some families had to retire and drive home (people came from Boulder!!!). Here is the core at the end. I'm in heaven - what a wonderful evening:)

After the show we have a glass of wine and chat for an hour or so...

then it’s time to retire and I get to sleep in the guest room which feels very cosy, especially after yesterdays motel!

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