As soon as I get into Louisiana the swamps start and all the highways are raised above.

Finally the city appears in the distance and my excitement raises with every mile I get closer.

Beautiful, I love the vibe and the vegetation.

Luckily I lose my way and drive aimlessly around taking in all kinds of views.

Some parts of downtown are still pretty damaged and the restoration goes along very slowly because of missing funds - I see T shirts saying FEMA - Federal Emergency My Ass!!! They screwed up pretty bad.

I finally find the place in uptown and start walking. I spot a Whole Foods and have to go in - check that out, there is a small orchestra playing Mozart.

Uptown was lucky during Katrina and had only water damage through rain that went through the broken roofs. It looks like nothing had happened

It is just two weeks after Mardi Gras and I see beads everywhere, even in the trees

The main stretch has all kind of stores and Cafe’s. It feels almost like being in Venice.

I’m certainly taken by the distinct architecture.

Glad that this part survived almost unharmed.

Kind of upscale here - check out the horse heads to prevent car theft :)

The Neutral Ground is in the same location since 30 years and one of the only folk places around. It’s a nice show and Maria shows up. She moved from Seattle to New Orleans to volunteer.

After the show she drags me into the French Quarter, Bourbon Street and Frenchman Street. There are tons of live music venues and I see a lot of totally hammered people walking around with big cups of booze. Kind of mice that you can take your beer out on the road I must say. Feels like home :)
Around 3:30 am I drop Maria of at her tiny place and move on to look for a Motel.
It’s hard and takes until almost 5 am but I need a shower befiore showing up at the UU church tomorrow morning. ..
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