I’m lucky and it is only a hose but another $100 down the drain. After we pick up my car we go and have some lunch before I pack to leave for Boulder.

It’s a grey day and even the mountains and the great view don’t make a big difference. I need to concentrate and keep my spirit up.

It should be a nice concert tonight at the Cohousing Community. But before I go there I find a little Coffeehouse and work for several hours.

After that I go over to the Common house and Linda greets me nicely. It’s a great space with a wonderful acoustic.

By 7 pm right when I’m supposed to start I have one person out of the Cohousing and a couple from Boulder. Man! what’s going on? After waiting for another 20 minutes two more people out of the community show up.

I must say that I’m fairly frustrated and know I have to get over it and just play. The concert is ok and it seems I reach them but I don’t sell a single CD which is very strange. Their guest room is occupied and I’m without a place to stay. One person from the community offers a place to crash but I’m not in the mood for company.
I call James for a pep talk and then start driving to look for a motel. It’s Boulder and there are no cheap places! I’m tired and just check in the first Motel that I come across.

For $75 it is the worst on this trip so far but I have a six pack of micro brew IPA and while zapping through the channels i find one that replays a German TV show with host Alfred Bioleck - who would have thought that!

Well, tomorrow is another day...