I wish I hadn’t forgotten to take a shot of the inside - quite stunning including a wonderful pipe organ. It is amazing how different the UU churches are depending on where I am---- I’m in Mayo land - it is the world famous Mayo clinic, founded by the Mayo brothers - a facility that host the presidents and other high profile people in case they need medical attention. The atmosphere in the church is dense and not as relaxed as I’m used to. After the service I get my stuff and am on my way North to Minneapolis where I play a Co-housing community this evening. The drive is not so long and I enjoy the landscape which is mostly farmland and endless corn fields.

The concert tonight is in a very nice part of St Louis Park, a suburb of Minneapolis and the Co-housing common house is an old brick building that reminds me of places in Europe.

I love the look of the room where I’m going to perform tonight.

I will stay in one of their guest rooms which is a small but cute place with a bed and a desk. Just the right thing to take a little nap...

Joelyn who organized the concert worries a little about the attendance but all works out and I have a really nice crowd that is totally into my music. Two friends of mine that I met in Seattle at the National Guitar Workshop show up as well and I’m in heaven. I have to play two encores and after that we sit around and chat for a good while.

I sure made some new friends that I can return to next year!
I’m in bed before midnight because I have a long drive to Omaha, NE. During the night there is a thunder storm that outdoes everything I ever experienced. The first hit almost throws me out of bed and I thought for sure that lightning had hit the building. It goes on for hours and starts pouring down as well. Oh my - I’m not getting a lot of sleep but at least I’m safe in my little bed here. After I get used to the roaring thunder I crawl back and pull the cover over my head...
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