I plan on taking the wild life loop and see if I can find some buffalo but first there are some kind of deer - got to get a book and check it out.

Then I have to stop because there are donkeys on the street. When I approached one jumped the other and the third one watches in disbelieve.

I wonder where the buffalo are. They said it is the biggest herd that still roams the territory. Finally I can see some from afar but only can imagine how it must have looked 150 years ago.

Then after about an hour I get to I90 and head out East. It is a boring drive though Prairie and seems to take forever. I planned on going 60 mph max to safe gas but with everybody driving close to 80 mph I need to go a little faster. After hours and hours I reach the Missouri river and check out a little Lewis &Clark exhibition to get my mind and bud of the road.

When I get to Sioux Falls I’m totally exhausted. They got me a room at the holiday Inn and I pretty much crash right away. I have a noon concert tomorrow and need to get up early.

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