It’s going to be long drive today. I need to get through the rest of Montana and the through Wyoming into South Dakota...This shot was taken short before I left Montana.

Here I’m driving through Wyoming and have a great view of another mountain range:)

It’s getting late and I’m still not in South Dakota. I haven’t had food forever so I stop in a little town called Newcastle and have a beer and a hamburger - man that combination is just great...at least for now. I talked with John, the owner of the Songbird Cafe where I play the next day. I stay with him tonight but he’s still several hours away from his home so I don’t have to hurry and just take it easy.

When I leave Newcastle it gets dark and i just capture the last bit of the sun in my mirror.

The rest of the way to Custer, SD is going by fast. I’ll meet John around 10:30pm in a Saloon, so I have about 2 hours to kill. They have a great music box and sawdust on the floor. I have a Bud, and put on some Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd. Then I start a chat with a local - he drives the bus to the Crazy Horse Monument and is a very nice guy. When John finally arrives we all talk for another half hour before we start the 16 mile drive to his cabin. It’s pitch black and I just follow his lights into the Black Hills. The last couple of miles are just gravel road and when we finally get there I’m overwhelmed but the interior. Let’s see how it looks by day light but that is certainly the best so far!!!

We keep on talking until 3am before I fall into bed and am done.
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