Out of the house and around the corner...

Here is Ralf walking down Berger Strasse

There is a green ring around the heart of the city and it looks lovely

Here we reach Konstablerwache and the East end of the pedestrian zone.

We were on our way to Cafe Karin, a great breakfast place that I frequented fairly often.

After a sublime cheese and sausage breakfast we can’t help but drinking our first beer and I take a secret shot of the interior...

The beer and breakfast do a good job and we’re ready to walk on. Here’s an old Volvo that caught my attention

Just around the next corner...

I have to see the Alte Oper for sure. My goal is to play there within the next 5 years!

I think that’s the wallpaper of my cell phone:) I always loved looking towards the sky!

We planned to go on the Main Tower and oversee the city. Great idea on a day like that!

Two old buddies:)

Here one can see the station. I lived around that area for years.

The river Main is a wonderful waterway and along the Southbank is the Museums Ufer, a strip with all kinds of Museums that are lit when it’s dark. I once lived on the top floor of a building right across the river and could see that every night.

The sky is so close

Finally we’re back on the ground and still walking

Like many other cities Frankfurt is a constant construction scene

This is Eschersheimer Turm right downtown:)

Back to the Green belt and it’s sculptures. Ralf!!! take off your hand! Bad Boy:)

On our way back we drop into the Chines Garden. I used to sit there for hours and watch the older men playing chess with big figures

or look out the window and dream

wow that was a walk!!! Later that afternoon we drive out to Offenbach to visit some friends. I run out of batteries and so the last pic was the Bockenheimer Warte.

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