Yesterday I got a GPS, I’m thrilled, that made it so much easier and took a lot of stress oujt of the equation.

I’m always fascinated by the bridge work that is out there.

I love mountains so much!!! It makes me feel like a little boy wanting to jump out of the car and starting to run uphill - actually not a bad idea...

I remember a night drive on this highway several years ago while on tour with “Two Loons For Tea“. We finished a show at the Knitting Factory in Los Angeles and were booked the night afetr that in Tucson, so afetr the show we just got in our cars and drove on. By the time we hit this intersection I just saw PALM SPRINGS and OTHER DERSERT CITIES! No doubt where I’m going!!! So we all stopped in Palm Springs and got a Motel for a few hours...

After that it is desert for a while.

Here I’m crossing over into Arizona. It’s a crab shoot with my camera because it takes the pic about 2 seconds after I push the button, so most of the times it guess work.

I planned on taking a motel in Quarzsite, AZ but everything was taken, so I had to drive all the way to Phoenix where I finally crashed. Tomorrow I’m going to Tucson.

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