I woke up with the sun in my eyes and started the day by driving back into Savannah for a breakfast and a little sightseeing. It starts with a wonderful sky while driving over the bridge from Tybee Island into Savannah.

After some hours at the Sentient Bean I finally get out and walk through the park towards downtown.

I love the architecture and it reminds me a little of some parts in Frankfurt.

How beautiful - I could just stay and forget about the rest of the tour:)

Well, I know, I got to get back to my car and start the drive - just one more...

In the park I meet Judith, she was at my UU church show and greets me with a big smile. Feels like home!

As soon as I’m on the way the weather turns dark and the sky sheds tears - maybe not just the sky.

It’s a long, long drive and it’s getting dark when I finally drive into Atlanta.

Eddie’s Attic is a wonderful place and Eddie and Tom, the owner greet me with a smile and give me very warm welcome. I open up for Ryan Montbleau and his band. They are fantastic and it turns out to be a great evening.

I even have someone from myspace coming out for me:)

After the show I start the drive towards Memphis. I planned on going another 3 hours but after about 30 minutes on the higway my eyes start closing and I put an end to it and get a Motel.