Off I go on my way to South Carolina. I play in a Coffee house in Mauldin.

It’s a nice place but there is no one there and the few people who show up just check their email or are simply not interested. It’s a $12 evening.

I must say that despite the nice barristas I have a hard time playing on and enter my dark zone. Usually I don’t go there but can’t seem to avoid it. I’ll stop at some point and simply pack up, get in the car and start driving. No idea where I’m going - just any highway will do. After way too long I cross the border into Georgia. A couple of attempts to fins a suitable Motel fail and I’m sure it’s the dark zone that got me slightly off groove. At some point I find a Motel 8 and just go for it. I reaslize I haven’t had any dinner or lunch for that matter and the only thing around is a Wendy’s drive through - oh my, well I feel just like it.

Jamie gave me a bottle of Imperial Stout that I kill right away, well Bootsy is helping.

1 comment:
ahhh, bootsy...you lucky girl!!
please bahave yourself and keep and eye on HANS!!
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