I take a quick shower and get back on the road to Chicago. That’s going to be another 4 hours and I’m currently not excited about that. I’m tired and still wiped out by Melissa’s show. In addition of being really tired I’m feeling a depressed and out of balance. The road takes it’s toll. I got to talk to a friend and reach India who just says the right things. I’m listening and hope she does not stop talking. Why is it so painful to grow and find ourself? After that I feel much better though I’m still wiped out but then the city takes over and the new views start a new chapter.

I need all my concentration to get through the traffic. Chicago is a fascinating city and some parts remind me of the old country. The “Uncommon Ground“ is a restaurant, a Cafe and a concert space and tonight there are 3 acts on the bill, Natalie Rivera, a young and upcoming Singer Songwriter, me and Jenny Bienemann, another great Chicago Songwriter. I have to get something to eat, I’m starved and so I sit and relax for a little bit. A friendly face greets me and introduces himself as Kalley - myspace works and I have a friend visiting - yeah!

My show goes well and the audience is appreciative. I’m still inspired by yesterdays show and am more outgoing and intense with my vocals and guitar playing. At the end I ask for the first time if there is someone in the audience that has a free couch for tonight and wonder if there is anything coming from that.
Jenny comes up next with her husband and does a great show.

I’m already preparing myself to drive another hour out of the city to get a cheap motel when a man approaches me. I find him instantly sympathetic and his company Megan, a Singer Songwriter from Nashville too. Randall invites me to stay the night at his studio in Old Town Chicago but first we go and see the end of another concert at Schuba’s a wonderful venue again similar to the Tractor in Seattle. After that we drive to his studio and I’m completely floored. It’s a place in the greatest neighborhood and a short walk away from the lake and also downtown. It has a kitchen, a piano and everything one need to feel at home. Randall is also a Songwriter and he and Megan share some songs with me. I’m overwhelmed - how in the world did that happen at the first time I ask on stage for help? I’m invited to stay until Wednesday then I have to drive to Cleveland. It could not be better. Before they leave I take one of the famous ”one arm shots“

I just made two great friends!
Awesome ! I sent Melissa an e-mail telling her of your first Ferrick experience ;-)
You gave an amazing performance that Sunday. It was wonderful to see you perform, and to know that you found a bed for the night. We'll be excited to hear about your next trip through Chicago, so please keep in touch.
Jenny Bienemann
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