They are still debating about the anthem sung in spanish. Man, when do they get that this country was created by “foreigners” We’re all from somewhere else with different colors and tongues and I would think of it as an honor if someone takes my anthem and translates it, especially in spanish. I get up and take off as fast as I can to leave that place behind.

The drive is actually beautiful and it is another sunny day. The landscape changes again and again, subtle but visible. I stop for breakfast in a little village. It’s exciting getting closer and closer to the East coast. Now NYC is only 60 miles away. New Jersey is very green and Watchung, where I play tonight, is simply gorgeous.

I find the Arts Center and am fascinated by the sound of the room. I get lost in simply singing around a bit. All over sudden it is an hour later, wow! I decide to play all acoustic, it’ll be great.

Everybody is extremely friendly out here. There are not as many people showing up as I had hoped for but they already warned me that the attendance in the last month left a lot to be desired and that I should not take it personal. Easy said - but the people who came were really good to me so I’m fine. There was a German couple that got the tickets from their daughter for their 49th anniversary. Another couple (Klaus & Renata) were also from Germany. Renata comes from a village 10 miles away from my hometown in Saarland and we chat in dialect which completely blows me away! After the show we take a picture.

Klaus and Renata invite me to stay at their house which is walking distance from the Arts Center. We have some snacks and German Weiss Bier and chat late into the night - I’m a lucky guy☺
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