I cuddle on the couch and start working on my emails. I’m quite behind due to the touring so I’m glad to have some time to hang and focus on it. I always loved to do that in the morning. All over sudden Cat appears from upstairs. She must have been asleep. We chat a little before she has to head out. I still have about a couple of hours time to work on the biz end of being a musician before I have to leave as well and take one last pic of their house.

Today I only have to drive little more than 3 hours from Ashland to Eugene. My old friend Jorge emailed me that he’ll be there to play with me. I’m glad that he’s doing better again. He’s had another set of chemotherapy and felt weak and unmotivated for a while and I was worrying.

We meet at the 5th Street Beanery and play a couple of sets. He’s such a fine musician besides a great friend and I never tell him which song I play or what key it is in. He’s just going for it and we have a lot of fun. There are only a few people there but I don’t mind so much, I had no expectations on this one and I’m just glad that Jorge could make it. Gina, the manager is very nice and accommodating so the whole evening feels good. After the show I’m visiting with my friends Kathy and Bob where I spend the night just like 4 weeks ago when I played the Cozmic Pizza.

They are such wonderful, caring people and have become my little island in central Oregon. Both are passionate Contra Dancers and involved in community and very fun to hang out with. We chat until midnight and then fall into bed. Tomorrow is another day.