But before that, how about a breakfast and later a trip to the sauna. I’m in heaven!
James and me leave at about 4pm driving down to Santa Monica. We get a sandwich, some gas and on it goes.

The drive is about an hour and something and we go through Topanga Canyon. The landscape is stunning and it’s hard to imagine that we are so close to L.A.
All over sudden there is a turn and we see the Pacific Coast. We drive through Malibu along the coast. A lot of rock and movie stars and have their estate here. Shortly after we enter Santa Monica.

McCabes is an old guitar store that is famous for its collection of first class guitars and a monthly Open Mic on their back room stage.

We arrive early enough to take a little walk around the block. When we come back there are already people waiting to get in and sign up. It’s a four hour ordeal and a total of 26 acts are playing. It’s a fun show and i do a couple of songs and get a nice recording out of it. I love Open Mics and this one is certainly special. The community is working and everybody gets the support they need. The talent is amazing and I’m thrilled to make some new friend. Here is a pic with James and Singer Songwriter Lisa Turner.

Some good mexican beer and fish tacos in a great Mexican restaurant end the evening and by the time we’re back in Moorepark I’m ready to crash.

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