Yesterday night Julie asked me if I’d like to play a school show for her 3rd Grade class and maybe teach them a song. I was thrilled, I love doing that especially on tour and unexpected. So after a late breakfast at the Stage Door and a phone interview with Michelle Mills from the San Gabriel Valley Newspaper I drove down to the Mt Shasta Elementary School and met with Julie. We picked up the kids from their lunch break and marched back to their class room. I was scheduled for two half hour sets in different class rooms. All the kids were incredibly sweet and interested and started asking a lot of questions. I had to stop them so I could teach a song. We did “Pinguin” from my “Hazzazar” album and I told them the story of how the song came about. They loved it and sang along quite well. It was probably their first song ever in German. After that I played “Blackbird” and everybody made bird sounds. I finished up with Sun in November and then we took a photo with everybody.

From there I went straight to the next classroom where everybody already sat on the carpet in expectation of what there may come. We had so much fun learning the song and again I was bombarded with questions that I answered the best I could.
After that we also took a group picture.

I drove back to the Stage Door to meet Tom and had to stop for a freight train. That’s where I took this picture of Mt Shasta.

I’m glad it’s a sunny day again and I’m ready to leave early tomorrow for a show in Eureka. It should be about a 4 hours drive and I have some friends that invited me to stay the night.
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