I drive on little county roads until I finally get to Highway 16. Right before I reach Sutter Creek there is the Sutter Creek Gold mine. I still have some time before I need to be in the Theatre so I decide to take a tour and go underground.

Fascinating and a bit creepy at the same time. I’m not made for caves and the imagination of someone working down here with just on candle as a light source gives me shivers. Hard to believe that someone would turn away from the sun and beauty out here and dig into a mountain for some soft metal, even if it is precious.
The tools have certainly improved since the pioneer days but still. Here is one of the drills.

I’m relieved as we get out and the warm breeze feels like pure life that embraces the daylight and cherishes the sun.

Driving into Sutter Creek is like a time tunnel experience. I can really see myself on a horse slowly riding through main street with cowboys leaning against the poles that hold a balcony above the saloon, spitting their tobacco into the dust. This area was one of the three recommended recreation centers in all the US. I love the old Theatre and am looking forward to tonight’s performance. They have a Steinway in the back of the stage and I decide on the spot that I will play some tunes on the piano. The view from the stage during sound check is exactly what I want for the next years - just imagine all seats filled.

Pete, the sound engineer is a character and I know him now since about four years on my first visit with Jamie but this time I take the stage all alone and am very excited about that. Laura and Byron are such great hosts and have opened a Cafe and a wine bar on each side of the Theatre to supplement their venture. Laura’s mom is Chinese and cooks me a fantastic dinner. The desert is home made icecream.

After that I go to the upstairs apartment to get myself dressed and ready for tonight. There are not a lot of people coming for the show but again it is the right crowd and we all have a great time where everybody enjoys themselves.

After the show we hang out in the wine bar sampling some great bottles and toasting into my birthday.

from left to right: Pete, his wife Kathryn, moi, Laura and Byron
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