After she leaves for work I’ll stay for another 3 hours and do biz on the computer before I get into the car and start driving South.
Never really noticed the oil fields on the way.

I love to see the mountains. It has been really cold and I can see snow patches.

I get there just in time to set up and get ready for the show. James and Melinda arrive. I’m so happy to see them and am looking forward to stying with them for the next couple days. James opens the show.

After that it’s my turn:) We have not filled the house but there are enough people there to make it happen. Bob Stane expectations were low due to a massive competition that day, so i guess I’m off the hook and can come back any time. I love playing at the Backstage and have a great time.

After the show we hang a little and I chat with Bob about god and the world...

After that James, Melinda and me go to visit Simon Lynge, a very talented Singer Songwriter that just landed a major distribution deal. It’s his birthday and we party hardy.

Oh my, I have to be back in Pasadena for the Radio show with Larry Wines at 7:40 am!!!
We come back to James’ house around 2:30 am and by the time I’m in my sleeping bag it is about 3am.
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